Best Brands CPVC Pipes

Best Brands CPVC Pipes

Best Plumbing Products in India – An Introduction The article on the “Best Plumbing Products in India” is a comprehensive resource that has been meticulously crafted through extensive research and market analysis. In addition to this, it incorporates valuable feedback gathered from a diverse array of industry experts, including engineers, plumbers, contractors, as well as…

What are Plastic Pipes?

What are Plastic Pipes?

Plastic pipes are lightweight, recyclable, easy to handle and install, resistant to corrosion, resistant to scaling, resistant to chemicals, resistant to microbial attacks hence they are cheaper to install and maintain and last very long. There are different types of plastic pipes in the market namely PVC pipes, CPVC pipes, UPVC pipes, Pex pipes, PERT…

Plumbing System

Plumbing System

A plumbing system is usually responsible for the transportation of water and other fluids in any residential or commercial building. The plumbing connections comprise plumbing materials which include pumps, tanks, pipes and fittings, valves, taps, sanitary ware, and other fixtures. The main purpose of a plumbing system is to supply water. In layman’s terms, plumbing…

UPVC Pipe Fittings

UPVC Pipe Fittings

UPVC (Unplasticised PVC) is also known as rigid PVC since there is no plasticizer added to the PVC compound, making it the most rigid form of PVC. UPVC pipe fittings are manufactured using the process of molding on injection molding machines. These pipe fittings are primarily used with UPVC pipes for the transportation of water…

What are SWR pipe?

What are SWR pipe?

SWR pipes are PVC or UPVC pipes that are specifically designed for drainage systems. SWR( Soil, Waste, and Rainwater) pipes are used for the pipes and fittings used for soil, waste, and rainwater drainage. A proper drainage system is highly important to discharge wastewater from the land surface or drains from residential spaces or buildings.A…

What are CPVC Pipes?

What are CPVC Pipes?

Thermoplastic, also known as Chlorinated Polyvinyl Chloride, was first developed in the late 1950s. Its first commercial production started in 1959 and the first residential installation was done in 1960. CPVC ( Chlorinated Polyvinyl Chloride) Pipes are manufactured using the twin screw extrusion technology. These pipes are joined using the CPVC solvent cement which makes…

What are PVC Pipes?

What are PVC Pipes?

PVC also known as Polyvinyl chloride is a polymer that is made of chlorinated hydrocarbons. It is brittle and stiff in its natural state but becomes more flexible when coupled with chemicals like plasticizers. It can be used for numerous things such as electrical insulation, medical tubing, flooring, furniture, signage, and even as a rubber…

How to choose the right CPVC pipe?

How to choose the right CPVC pipe?

CPVC pipes are one of the most cost-effective, reliable quality piping and plumbing solutions. They are used across industries as they are highly versatile and safe for carrying drinking water. They offer a variety of user-friendly features such as resistance against corrosion, durability, and resistance to bacterial growth. There are many advantages that CPVC pipes…